About REPL Global Overseas

REPL Global Overseas

Connecting Talent, Bridging Continents: Your Worldwide Employment Solution

Worldwide Careers, One Connection: Elevate Your Ambitions Globally

REPL Global Overseas a manpower recruiting agency of Bangladesh. It offers the professional recruitment services to the Bangladeshi job seekers to the international manpower market. It supplies skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled, technical and professional potential manpower based on the demand of the clients.
  • Worldwide Skilled Manpower Supply
  • Professional Recruitment Services
  • Tours & Travels with Visa Processing
  • Travel Companion to Seamless Journeys
Overseas ServicesManpower We Supply

REPL Global Overseas is Dedicated to Empowering Bangladeshi Job Seekers

REPL Global Overseas operates in the competitive arena of international manpower recruitment across the globe

In the dynamic global job market, the demand for skilled and qualified manpower has been on the rise. REPL Global Overseas, a prominent manpower recruiting agency based in Bangladesh, has emerged as a key player in connecting Bangladeshi job seekers with international opportunities. Established with the vision to bridge the gap between skilled manpower supply and the global demand, REPL Global Overseas has made significant strides in the field of professional recruitment services worldwide.

REPL Global Overseas Background

REPL Global Overseas operates in the competitive arena of international manpower recruitment, catering to the diverse needs of clients across the globe. With a commitment to excellence, the agency has become a trusted partner for both job seekers and employers seeking skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled, technical, and professional manpower.
Skilled Manpower Supply

REPL Global Overseas specializes in identifying and providing skilled workers who possess the expertise and qualifications demanded by international employers. This includes professionals in fields such as information technology, engineering, healthcare, finance, and more.

Semi-skilled and Unskilled Labor

Recognizing the demand for a diverse range of skills, the agency also supplies semi-skilled and unskilled labor to meet the requirements of industries ranging from construction to hospitality. This ensures that clients have access to a comprehensive pool of talent.

Technical Expertise

In response to the increasing demand for technical proficiency, REPL Global Overseas ensures the supply of technically skilled individuals across various sectors. This includes technicians, mechanics, and other specialized roles critical to the functioning of industries.

Professional Manpower

The agency takes pride in its ability to source and place professionals with a high level of expertise in their respective fields. This includes management professionals, consultants, and executives, contributing to the success and growth of businesses worldwide.

A Spectrum of Opportunities for
Skilled, Semi-Skilled, Unskilled, Technical, and Professional

Our Compliance Standards

A Global Network of Empowered Professionals

Our mission, vision, and values are the guiding lights that shape our endeavors as a leading manpower recruiting agency in Bangladesh.
Our Mission

REPL Global Overseas is on a mission to bridge the aspirations of Bangladeshi job seekers with international opportunities. Our commitment is deeply rooted in empowering individuals by connecting them to diverse and rewarding careers worldwide.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a global network where talent knows no boundaries. REPL Global Overseas aspires to be the go-to agency for Bangladeshi professionals seeking international employment.

Our Values

Pursuit of excellence is at the heart of REPL Global Overseas From recruitment processes to client relations, we strive for continuous improvement, innovation, and the delivery of exceptional services that exceed expectations.

We work for Empowering Bangladeshi Job Seekers
Nurturing Talent for Global Opportunities

We make full use of the way we quickly arrive at decisions. We are certified by Bureau Veritas
Quality International (BVQI) in accordance with Sn En ISo 14001:2004.

Get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.